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Consumer configuration

Consumer are used for pull-based retrieval of messages one-by-one from queues using HTTP GET requests. Unlike subscribers, which support reliable message delivery with retries and dead letter policy, consumers auto-acknowledge each retrieved message (via AMQP RPC-based GET operation) so that it won't be re-delivered. For that reason, getting messages from a queue via a consumer HTTP GET requests shall not be used when at-least-once delivery semantics are desired.

Consumers are declared in the consumers block of the config.yml file:

  - queueName: json-queue
  - queueName: binary-queue
      - Bob

The example YAML configuration provided above creates two consumers. The first one allows anyone to consume messages from json-queue, whereas the other consumer only allows identity named Bob to consume messages from binary-queue.

Consumer configuration reference


When identities field is not provided or contains an empty array, the consumer endpoint authentication is bypassed.

The following keys can be specified in the consumer configuration block:

  • queueName (required): the name of the queue, from which the consumer will be getting messages upon each HTTP GET request.
  • identities: a list of identity names permitted to consume messages via a given consumer.