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Subscriber configuration

Subscribers are are used in order to push messages from a given RabbitMQ queues over HTTP to a specified target URL in a webhook-like fashion. They are defined in the subscribers block of the config.yml file. Below is an example of subscribers block defining two subscribers:

  - queueName: demo-queue
    target: http://somewhere.tld/handle-demo
    prefetch: 3
    backoffStrategy: linear
    retries: 4
    retryDelay: 1000
    deadLetterPolicy: requeue
  - queueName: another-queue
    target: http://somewhere.tld/handle-another
    backoffStrategy: exponential-random
    retries: 5
    retryDelay: 2000
    deadLetterPolicy: dlq
    deadLetterQueueName: another-queue-dlq

Subscriber configuration reference

The following keys can be specified in the publisher configuration block:

  • queueName (required): the name of the queue, from which the subscriber will be consuming messages.
  • target (required): HTTP target to which the messages will be pushed via HTTP POST requests.
  • prefetch: The maximum number of unacknowledged messages being processed by the subscriber. Defaults to 10.
  • timeout: HTTP POST (PUSH) request timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 2000.
  • backoffStrategy: The name of the backoff strategy to be used when retrying a failed HTTP POST message delivery attempt. Possible values are: constant, constant-random, linear, linear-random, exponential and exponential-random. Defaults to linear.
  • retries: The maximum number of failed message delivery retry attempts. Defaults to 5.
  • retryDelay: Base retry timeout in milliseconds between delivery retry attempts. Its value is used to calculate actual delays before n-th delivery attempt depending on the specified backoff strategy. Defaults to 1000.
  • deadLetterPolicy: The name of dead letter policy to be applied when a given message exceeds the maximum number of failed message delivery retries. Possible values are requeue, discard and dql. Defaults to requeue.
  • deadLetterQueueName: The name of dead letter queue to which a message will be sent after exceeding the maximum number of failed message delivery retries provided that the deadLetterPolicy is set to dlq.